Oct 24, 2010

What have I been watching lately 3

1. The Mirror (1997)
A movie turn documentary. Weird but still I kept watching it for the sake of not wanting to waste it. (3/5)

2. Offside (2006)
I just realized as I write this review that the director of this movie, Jafar Panahi is the same person who directed The Mirror. The story managed to move me. (4/5)

3. In this World (2002)
A docudrama (first time coming across this term) portraying the journey of 2 Afghan refugees. (4/5)

What have I been watching lately 2

Not so lately as the title goes. But I really feel like writing about them. These movies are graphically awesome. You can definitely tell that they put so much money into these movies. It's a good thing that all of them are box-office films.

1. Hero (2002)
I like how they play with color to indicate the different point of views.

2. House of Flying Daggers (2004)
The twist at the end is perfect. I, at least, didn't expect it.

3. Curse of the Golden Flower (2006)
Jay Chou FTW!!! And oh my... don't you wish to live in a palace like that?

4. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (2000)
Only early this year that I finally had the chance to watch it. The love story in the desert is cute.

5. Red Cliff I (2008), Red Cliff II (2009)
Tony Leung FTW!!! Zhao Wei's love story is very touching, I cried when the man she love died :(

6. Three Kingdoms: Resurrection of the Dragon (2008)
The story also explain the battle of Red Cliff. It's weird though to watch this movie right after watching Red Cliff since the characters are portrayed differently.

What have I been watching lately 1

Making full use of my local library membership, I rent many CDs each week. Here are some of them:

1. Memento (2000)
This movie does give me a headache since the scenes are presented in a reverse order to portray the feeling of a person suffering from anterograde amnesia. Very creative although at the end I went "What? He's the one who.....". (4/5)


2. Paris, je t'aime aka Paris, I love you (2006)
A nice collection of several shorts stories although not all of them are my taste. (3/5)


3. Le Grand Voyage (2006) 
A very interesting story about a journey of a father and a son driving a car to Mekah. (4/5)

4. Linda Linda Linda (2005)
A story about 3 Japanese high school girls and a Korean exchange students practicing for their school festival. Very heartwarming and refreshing. I was so surprised to see Matsuyama Kenichi aka L plays a small role in this movie. (4/5) 
